De Soto (Silent City) Cemetery, est. 1871
This is an archived index from the Digital Cemetery.
34500 W 87th St
DeSoto, KS
Lexington Twp
GPS Location
38° 58' 16" N, 94° 59' 18" W
38.971, -94.988
Legal Location
Section 32, Township 12S, Range 22E
About the Cemetery
De Soto Cemetery is affectionately known as Silent City Cemetery. The origin of this name is not known, and the name is not official, but you will often find the old obituaries list it as Silent City. Though the cemetery was officially established in 1871, the oldest burial is dated 1856, for Mabel Abbott, age 6 mo. De Soto Cemetery also holds the remains of those buried in old Lexington Cemetery, who were disinterred in 1942 for the construction of the Sunflower Army Ammunition Plant.
Ownership History
The De Soto Cemetery District Association was established in 1871, with the purchase of 4 acres from homesteader, Zera Nichols. Later, James L. Morgan purchased adjoining land for use as a family cemetery. Eventually, he donated this land, known as the Morgan addition, to the De Soto cemetery. Additions 1 - 3 were purchased from the L. R. Penner family, whose descendents still live in the area. Other additions plus the 19 surrounding acres were purchased since 1977 from Harold Berntsen for future cemetery expansion. In 1932, a cemetery district was formed onto the Lexington Township plan, whereby it has since been maintained by taxation.
Photographed by: Linda K Lewis, Kathy Ross, and Bruce Smykowski, 2006.
Transcribed by: Kathy Ross, Linda K Lewis, 12 Mar 2007. This is a complete transcription by reading and photographing the gravestones. Entries without monuments were supplied from the Sexton's index.
Surname Index [A] [B] [C] [D-F] [G] [H-J] [K-L] [M] [N-P] [Q-R] [S] [T-V] [W-Z] [Unknown]