Shawnee Cemetery, est. 1872
This is an archived index from the Digital Cemetery.
6300 Quivira Rd
Shawnee, KS
City of Shawnee. Cemeteries website
GPS Location
39° 01' 05" N, 94° 43' 22" W
39.0183, -94.7233
Legal Location
Section 11, Township 12S, Range 24E
About the Cemetery
Shawnee Cemetery is situated between two larger cemeteries on Quivira Rd in Shawnee; St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery is to the south, and Pleasant View Cemetery is north.
The land where Shawnee and St. Joseph cemeteries are situated was originally patented to M. P Randall, a Shawnee Indian. M P Randall sold a portion of his land to the Shawnee Town Company, however the land where Shawnee and St. Joseph's cemeteries was not part of the original Shawnee Town.
The Heirs of Randall sold the portion of land where Shawnee and St. Joseph cemeteries are located to Thomas Douglas. On 14 Feb 1874, Thomas Douglas sold this land in part to the Trustees for Shawnee Cemetery Association and to L. M Frink, Catholic Bishop of Leavenworth, for St. Joseph Cemetery. At the time of this sale, both cemeteries were already in existance. Two marked legible 1860s death dates exist in Shawnee Cemetery, and 4 are readable in St. Joseph cemetery. See St. Joseph Cemetery for more information.
Photographed by: Linda K Lewis and Bruce Smykowski, 2006.
Transcribed by: Carol Rollins, 12 May 2007.
This is a complete transcription by reading and photographing the gravestones.
Surname Index [A-F] [G-L] [M-Z] [Unknown]