Union Cemetery, est. 1884
This is an archived index from the Digital Cemetery.
75th St and Gleason Rd
Shawnee, Monticello
Johnson, KS
GPS Location
38° 59' 31" N, 94° 51' 44" W
38.9919, -94.8622
Legal Location
Section 21, Township 12S, Range 23E
About the Cemetery
Union Cemetery, known locally as Monticello Union, was established in 1884 and located west of the Town of Monticello. The land was first patented to George W Walker as bounty land given to officers and soldiers under an act passed by Congress on 3 Mar 1855.
Walker sold this land to F. L Kueker on 29 Dec 1868, and then he sold a portion of this land to the Union Cemetery Company. There are 23 marked Kuekler inscriptions in this cemetery, including an old stone for Fred Kueker in the old central area of the cemetery.
The earliest recorded interment was in 1859 and noted on the Garrett memorial. There are a number of surviving stones from throughout the 1860s, and it is apparent this cemetery was in use long before it was established in 1884.
1884 Union Cemetery Plat Map Recreation; Cemetery Diagram
Photographed by: Linda K Lewis, 2006. Re-photographed and updated in 2008.
Transcribed by: Carol Rollins, Carol Kuse, Linda K Lewis, 19 Nov 2006.
This is a complete transcription by reading and photographing the gravestones.
Keys: s/w = same stone with; += Known Veteran
Surname Index [A-C] [D-H] [I-L] [M-R] [S-Z] [Unknown]