Campbell Cemetery (aka Indian, Duffner Rd, Fisher Rd, Horse Thief)
This is an archived index from the Digital Cemetery.
55th St and Queal Dr
Shawnee, KS
GPS Location
39° 01' 46" N, 94° 42' 31" W
39.0294, -94.7086
Legal Location
Section 2, Township 12S, Range 24E
About the Cemetery
According to the Johnson County Cemetery Index, compiled in the early 1980s by the Johnson County Genealogical Society, this cemetery had a long list of names: Little Dutch or Lutheran Cemetery by the German immigrants, Duffner Lane Cemetery for a local family, and Fisher Road Cemetery for a local family. And from other research we find the cemetery was also known as Horse Thief Cemetery.
The Cemetery Index further states about this cemetery:
Originally five acres, it was established as a pioneer and Indian cemetery, and is the second oldest cemetery in Shawnee (next to the Shawnee Indian Cemetery). The only stone left in the lot is the Campbells which was erected in 1940. Some of the people buried there are Thomas Earnshaw, William Earnshaw, John Davis, Black Baker, as well as at least four horse thieves hung for the crime. - Charles and Pamela Mash, May 30, 1981
The Johnson County Atlases shed some light on the time-frames for the family names above. In 1874 D. Duffner owned the section of land to the east of the cemetery. In 1902, Mary Fisher owns a small portion of land that touches the southeast corner of the section containing the cemetery. In 1922 we see a lot of Fishers in the immediate area but none occupied land adjacent to the cemetery.
An article from the Journal Herald, dated June 3, 1991, elaborates on the story of the ring of horse theives that finally were caught after stealing a horse boarded at Joseph Parks' stable on February 8, 1859. This article mentions that John Sullivan, tried, convicted, and hanged as a horse thief on April 6, 1859, may be one of the silent residents of Shawnee's "Horesethief Cemetery" at 55th and Queal.
All that is left of this cemetery today are the steps at the entrance, one old post and ther remainder of a second, the curbed grave right in front of the entrance, and the granite marker. It is interesting to note that while the entrance to the cemetery appears to be in the middle of the block, originally a street ran at an angle connecting to the the angle of Queal. This street is shown in the 1874, 1902, and 1922 Atlases. The cemetery was triangular in shape and the entrance was on the corner of 55th and missing piece of the road. Using satellite images, one can still see the ghost of this long gone leg of road.
Campbell monument inscription:
Pioneers & Early Day Settlers Merriam & Shawnee KANS Parents D G Campbell Founder of Campbelltown Now Merriam. |
Possible interments:
William Earnshaw John Davis Black Baker John Sullivan (horse thief) 3 other horse thieves |

Photographed and transcribed by: Linda K Lewis, 27 Aug 2005. Photos updated 2007. This is a complete transcription by reading and photographing the gravestones.
Keys: s/w = same stone with, + = Known Veteran
+ Campbell, Alexander; b. 1797; d. 1865; War of 1812, Alexander and Nancy Gee Pioneers and early day settlers Merriam and Shawnee KS Parents D G Campbell founder of Campbelltown now Merriam; s/w Nancy Gee Campbell; Photo Photo
Campbell, Nancy Gee; b. 1797; d. 1880; s/w Alexander Campbell; Photo Photo