(Williams) Family Cemetery
This is an archived index from the Digital Cemetery.

14800 block of Quivira Rd
Olathe, KS
GPS Location
38° 51' 37" N, 94° 43' 25" W
38.8769, -94.7237
Legal Location
Section 2, Township 14S, Range 24E
About the Cemetery
This cemetery is a small family cemetery for the David M Williams family. The land was originally patented to Hiram Cummings and his wife Sarah as a grant from the United States as bounty land given to officers and soldiers under an act passed by Congress on 3 Mar 1855.
Hiram and Sarah Cummings sold land to David M Williams on 13 Mar 1864, as stated on the deed located in Book F, page 435, in the Johnson County Records and Tax Administration office. The land was later sold to Wm Wright and eventually fell to Sheriff A L Flanner to auction off, and Ray Goodloe won the auction.
The cemetery is located under trees in a nicely kept grassy area between two homes and is cared for by a next-door neighbor. A rough-hewn bench sits under the tree between two stones. Some of the stones are quite eroded. Some stones were obviously broken for some time, and then repaired. There are two empty stone settings for larger stones, and one broken small stone. Seven footstones have been placed in a row at the front of the cemetery, two of which are illegible. Behind and around one of the headstones I found two obvious footstones with no markings.
A reading of this cemetery was done by Charles and Pamela Mash, and Roy O. Evans Jr., date unknown, published in the Johnson County Cemetery Index, Genealogical Society and Library, 1975. This reading provides the names matching the legible stones in footstone row.
Photographed and transcribed by Linda K. Lewis, 27 Aug 2005. Rephotographed in 2008. This is a complete transcription by reading and photographing the gravestones. Johnson County Archives research provided a transcription, date unknown, found in the Johnson Co. Cemetery Index, Johnson Co. Genealogical Society and Library, 1975. This reading provides the names matching the legible stones in footstone row.
Keys: * = No stone, # = Footstone only, + = Known Veteran
??, ??; Stone broken off; Photo
??, ??; Stone broken off; Photo
??, ??; Stone broken off; Photo
+ Cook, Frank; d. 06 Sep 1862; 12th KS Reg Co H; *;
Duke, Onie C; b. 04 Jul 1877; d. 15 Jul 1898; Dau of John and Lucy Duke; Photo
Hayes, Almaranda; b. 16 Jan 1851; d. 01 Mar 1882; Wife of D S Hayes, Footstone A H; #; Photo
Spencer, Martha E; d. 18 Oct 1876; Footstone M S; #; Photo
Spenser, Elizabeth; d. 05 Oct 1877; Photo
+ Sylvester, Amos N; d. 18 May 1890; Co B 2nd Col Cav; Photo
Sylvester, Eliza J; d. 02 May 1875; Footstone E J S; #; Photo
Sylvester, Mrs D B; d. 1891; *;
Williams, David M; d. 19 Apr 1880; Footstone D M W; #; Photo
Williams, Mary E; d. 09 Oct 1870; Footstone M E W; Photo Photo
Willliams, Eleanor M; d. 27 Aug 1890; Photo